Worship + Creative Arts

Our Vision

Leading the Body of Christ in unified and edifying worship gatherings, fellowship, and media to the glory of God alone.

The Calvary Praise Team consists of a contemporary band setting and exists to lead the congregation in worshipful song and meditation with artistic excellence. Each member - whether on the band, tech team, elements team, or welcome team - is expected to to play his/her part in making sure worship is harmonious, useful, and edifying to all believers gathered. Our 5 Core Values: God’s Glory through excellent musicianship, Unity as a Team and as the Body of Christ, Prayer, Preparation, and Authenticity as we Lead by Example.

Our Purpose

“Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.”

- Pslam 29:2


If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering your time and talents, I’d love to hear from you!