Outreach + Discipleship

Our Vision

To reach the lost and our brothers and sisters with the good news of salvation and transformation in Jesus Christ.

We are intentionally missional in our approach to both Outreach and Discipleship. That means that we are especially cognizant of the fact that God calls us to be workers in the harvest. We follow the lead of the Holy Spirit with the expectation of growth. That growth comes in the form of unbelievers coming to faith and in believers growing in spiritually maturity. Outreach and Discipleship are hard work, and “the workers are few” so we continue to press on and pray that the Lord will send workers into the harvest.

Our Purpose

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”

- Matthew 28:19


If you have a need, a question, or are interested in volunteering your time and talents, we’d love to hear from you!